Onboarding Editors

Engage your editors early. They will be the ambassadors of the tool.

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Editors are responsible for providing a steady flow of new content in ahead. Make sure you engage editors early on in the process.

Set clear expectations

It's important to communicate clearly what you expect from your editors, including but not limited to:

  • Publishing content as appreciative activity: value your employees by taking time to write well-thought articles.
  • Format of communications: keep it short, concise, simple, and clear.
  • Frequency: regularly
  • Consistent: publish content that is intended for ahead in ahead only and not through other channels.
  • Interaction: engage with content, answer questions in the comments, interact with employees in the stories
  • Management engagement: if possible, engage the management team to also contribute and interact with employees on the platform.

Set up an Editors Team

We get asked a lot what the ideal composition of the editors team should look like. Here are our recommendations:

  • Have a clear number of editors in mind. For organizations with 100-300 employees, we recommend circa 10 editors, larger organizations with 300-1.000+ employees will usually need more than that (between 20 to 70).
  • Choose at least one person per department to be responsible for communicating for it.
  • Choose motivated people who have flair for communication. If not possible, train your people on basic communication best practices.
  • Check their availability - are they willing and able to invest time to create content on a regular basis?

More tips for an engaged & informed editors team:

  • Create a one-pager guideline with best practises for content creation at your organization. This will also help the onboarding of new editors in the future.
  • Schedule training sessions and announce them ahead of time
  • During the go-live phase, hold weekly status update calls.
  • Plan regular content review meetings with all editors to discuss goals, expectations, content plans and gather feeback. This helps you to improve your content continuously.
German / Deutsche Keywords

Redaktion, Redaktionsteam, Editoren, Erwartung, Kommunikation, Schulung, Training, Vorlage, Template,

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