Our mission is to create the most inspiring intranet to build engaged workforces

We build tools that unlock the full potential of our customer's employees and create unique company cultures.

A value-driven culture

Everyone in the ahead team is committed to a set of core values that shape our culture and reflect our identity.
We strive for effective communication and collaboration in an open, respectful environment, where feedback is welcomed.
Accepting failure as part of the process and handling it as an opportunity to learn allows us to improve.
We believe design and simplicity are key factors for a wide user adoption and the only way to persist in today’s competitive market.

The right tools for the job

In all areas of ahead we practice continuous delivery and integration for an interactive development process. We develop an as-a-service product and utilize as-a-service technologies in accordance.

Meet the team

Alex Donate
Product Manager
Andrea Rast
Senior Account Executive DACH
Andrin Soppelsa
Head of Customer Success & Operations
Benjamin Regez
Christian Ivan Duic
Software Developer
David Schneider
CTO isolutions
Emanuelle Treyvaud
Customer Success Manager
Frank Quednau
Software Developer
Lina Bajec
UX/UI Designer
Luca Ramundo
Software Developer
Michael Trummer
Chief Customer Officer
Nils Udelhoven
Senior Account Executive DACH
Pascal Grossniklaus
Founder & CEO
Sophia Brandt
Customer Success Manager
Steve Kienberger
Account Executive
Till Jakob
Software Developer
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