Navigation & Channels

In ahead there are two essential areas, the dynamic news feed and the static "knowledge base" area, for information that is valid for longer periods.

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The navigation structure organizes the static area, so that information can be found easily. When curating the navigation structure, it’s important to keep a few basic principles in mind:

  1. Keep it simple and clearly arranged
  2. Add value by providing information that your workforce really needs
  3. Some of our customers also use the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section to answer most of the upcoming questions beforehand
  4. Assign an owner (editor) that is responsible for the content in the navigation (e.g. maintain the structure, remove outdated content)

Typical navigation points include:

  • Regulations & policies (code of conduct, expenses, security & safety, …)
  • Emergency concepts (per location)
  • General information (about departments, business units, office specific information…)


In the news area, channels are a great way to allow the end-user to filter news based on a topic or category, which are assigned by editors when creating news. Best practices include:

  1. Keep it simple and clear – we suggest creating no more than 5-7 channels
  2. Try to organize channels around topics and not based on organizational charts (if possible)

Know that users can follow a channel to receive additional notifications whenever news is posted in this specific channel.

Typical channels include:

  • HR News
  • Success Stories
  • People & Culture
  • Events
  • Work groups & divisions
  • CEO / Management
  • Health & Safety


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German / Deutsche Keywords

Kanäle, Kanal, Navigationspunkt, Struktur, statisch

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