Go-Live Checklist

A smooth Go-Live is the foundation for a successful implementation. Use this checklist to make sure you're good to go before going live.

minutes read time
See Resources
  • Did you give all users access to ahead by adding them to (at least) the "ahead-user" AD group?
  • Are the processes of creating new users and disabling/deleting old users clear (usually involves HR and IT departments)?
  • Optional: Did you set https://app.aheadintranet.com as the starting page in your browser?
  • Optional: Did you add the ahead app on Microsoft Teams? For more information visit: Add the ahead app to Microsoft Teams
  • Optional: Did you distribute the app on your managed company mobile devices?

  • Did you adjust the logo and design according to your corporate identity/corporate design?
  • Did you define the process of the distribution of usernames and passwords?
  • Is the initial content ready (quicklinks and application links, knowledge pages, and a few news posts to start with)?
  • Did you plan a go-live campaign?

If you've done all of the above, you're all set to go live!


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German / Deutsche Keywords

Checkliste, Go-live, technisch, Kampagne,

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